
Educational Services

What is School Refusal Behavior?

School Refusal Behavior (or SRB) is when a child refuses to go to school.  It explains about 27% of absences on any given school day and is the number 1 indicator of a student who will drop out before graduating from high school.  

Who we are...


SpiderWebb Educational Services is owned and operated by Barbara Webb.  Barbara holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education, a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology, and an Education Specialist's Degree.  She has also done extensive work and research in the area of School Refusal Behavior - a problem more and more families are dealing with as school stress becomes more than children can handle. With over 30 years of education experience, Barbara has taught every grade from Pre-k through 12 in one capacity or another. Barbara has also lead teacher in-services and education seminars for early childhood teachers and k-6 teachers.


SpiderWebb is here to help you help the children you love